Barbara H. Cline


Workshops, Lectures, & Trunk Shows
In addition to teaching classes, Barbara also gives workshops, lectures, and trunk shows. Events within 250 miles of Bridgewater, Virginia are illustrated with quilts. For those over 250 miles that require flights, the illustrations will be limited to PowerPoint presentations and what can be transported in a large suitcase. The cost of a workshop for fifteen students is $600.00, plus travel and lodging expenses. Additional students are $40.00 each. Trunk show and lecture fees are $400.00 plus travel and lodging expenses.These trunk shows and lectures last one hour, not including time at the end of the presentation for Q&A.
For any of these events, lodging expenses do not apply if the location is less than 120 miles away. Locations 120+ miles away from Bridgewater, Virginia will require lodging and round trip mileage, figured at the current federal rate. For locations over 300 miles away, traveling expenses include travel to and from the airport, long term parking, and taxi or car rental. Expenses may be shared with another quilt guild or fabric shop.

Lecture topic are:
"From the Beginning" ... a showcase of quilts from Barbara's journey through quilting.
"Where, When, Why and How of Quilting"...learning some tricks of the trade and seeing Barbara's quilts close up.
"Designing inside of different block layouts"...squares, triangles and diamonds.
"Amazing Diamond Chains"....learning how diamond chains can be pieced in a triangle, square or diamond layout. Learn how to strip cut to make a diamond chain as well as placing the diamonds in different block structure.

Workshops: Look at any pattern to see what techniques will be taught in class. Click on classes or e-patterns to find the descriptions.
Here are some examples below.
Star Tricks (strip sewing, cutting diamonds, "Y" seams)
Pin Wheel Spin (templates, triangle layouts, "Y" seams)
Shenandoah Star (strip piecing, triangle layouts)
Star Chain Table Runner (templates, triangle layouts)
Cactus Star and Desert Rose (paper piecing)
Classes for Stars (Check out the patterns in "Start Struck Quilts" book
Chines Checkers (working in a triangle layout and strip piecing) and Spinning Pinwheels (A quick, fun, and fast quilt).