I will also teach classes from any pattern in my 6 published books or any pattern or e-pattern. Go to books and patterns tab for more class options.
Caribbean Delight
Discover how to create this intriguing quilt of overlapping stars. Learn just how simple it is to make an inset seam. Choose an ombre or 8 different fat quarters for a delightful star wall quilt. Barbara also gives tips and tricks in how to quilt his charming piece of art.
Surprise Packages
In this class you will learn how to piece the triangle block that is featured in my book Amazingly Simple Triangle Stars. Once you have learned the techniques in this class for this quilt you will be able to make all the quilts in Amazingly Simple Triangle Stars book.
Lets Party
This table runner is a great pattern to learn how to piece a triangle quilt base layout. Alternate two triangle blocks in different colors and block rotations to form attractive stars and strips where the angles meet.
Overlapping Stars pattern and class. This is a fast project that goes together quickly. As you piece the catchy stars you will learn how to stack and whack fabrics, how to use stripes and how to sew a triangle base layout.
Diamond Chain Star Discover how fast and easy it is to create this beautiful diamond chain star quilt. Learn how strip cutting diamond strips is fast and fun, and how to easily make the large star points behind the diamond chain star. An added bonus is how simple it is, there are no setting seams.
Scrappy Pinwheels Gather your scrap fabrics and make this intriguing quilt of pinwheels. Learn the tips and tricks of sewing a triangle block layout together to create pinwheels by making a one block design. You will not believe how a simple block can do such wonders.
Star Chain pattern and class. Star Chain is pieced in a triangle base layout. The triangles are sewed together into rows, the rows into strips, and then the strips into the table runner.The techniques taught in this class are: Cutting shapes from strip sets, making "Y" seams simple and how to use templates.
Star Tricks Pattern in "Star Struck Quilts" book. In this class the techniques taught are: learning to cut diamonds from strip sets, tips on "Y" seams.
Blazing Star Pattern in "Star Struck Quilts" book.
Techniques taught in class: Learn how variegated fabric can play in
designing. Learn how to cut diamonds and "Y" seams made simple.
Chinese Checkers pattern in book "Diamond
Chain Quilts".This stunning quilt is made from simple triangles.
Strip piecing makesthe project fast and fun. Size: 40" x 40".
Pattern in "Diamond Chain Quilts"